Friday, September 30, 2011

Poem 1 - Naomi

My output seems to be more influenced by my computer programming class than by the changing of the seasons.

An Exercise in Equinoctial Thinking

If two halves
equal one whole
Then today the day is
Taking this further--
today we are complete,
as we have gone two solar cycles
without balance
and the universe demands
We shall give it
if only for today.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I agree - how fitting that our poems are as symmetrical as their topics! As usual, our thinking seems to follow similar lines...

I really like the formatting of your poem - it reminds me that the appearance of a poem can have a huge affect on its cadence and meaning.

I also enjoy the idea that it's somehow we who give balance to the Universe on the equinox, and if you revisit the poem I'd be interested in seeing how you develop that concept further.

Loving this already!!