Artists have been exploiting the bounty of the digital age since the 90s, acting something like DJ's, rearranging bits and pieces of found visual information, creating meaning by altering the context in which these images are received. I tried to approach this assignment from an artistic angle rather than a literary one, creating a collage of words that's meant to evoke a certain mood rather than prompt textual analysis. The poem is pieced together entirely from sentences and fragments of sentences that appeared on my Facebook newsfeed in the past few days, as is the picture, which was taken by a friend of mine in New York as Central Park was buried in the first snow of the season.

Fog Machines
Oh, hello, nor’easter.
The first flurries of the season fell, carried by the wind, followed by the leaves.
But there is still that lingering thought.
How could you ever
There are no words
... Perchè niente è cambiato anche se tutto è diverso.
For now we are young.
Still, that lingering thought.
Chemistry and timing.
I write
and hope to see.
That lingering thought.
Even then it is a moment of grace.
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